PAMSC WAD 6.0 – highlight video

WAD is an annual event organised by PAM Sarawak Chapter in conjunction with celebration of World Architecture Day on 1st Monday of October every year.

This is the 6th WAD event by PAMSC since 2011. This year, a 24-hour Design Workshop was conducted for 80 students from the 3 design schools.

The workshop was held at the old Courthouse, now revamped as “ChinaHouse” – the students were divided into teams of 5 and given 24 hours to arrive at potential solutions. They were then required to find sites within a 1.0 km radius that would benefit from an urban intervention. An urban intervention being described as “typically less concerned with representing political issues than with intervening in urban spaces so as to question, refunction and contest prevailing norms and ideologies, and to create new meanings, experiences, understandings, relationships and situations..”

More info:

Event supported by:
UCTS, Kolej Laila Taib, LUCT Borneo, China House @ Old Court House & MAPEI

Great video by:
Asa Esa

Highlight Video [01:25]

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