PAMSC is rejuvenating our website. This website is intended to be our local architects’ directory to showcase and celebrate our PAM Sarawakian architects. We join our members in taking pride, showing their work in our local portal.
We hope that this will be a vehicle to enable potential clients and future employees to view your practice and your practices work examples.
PAMSC will be able to give the public a ‘new window’ in their scout for local architects.
As such, we sincerely hope that all of our members will take this opportunity to upload to PAMSC new directory; which at the moment is free. We hope you will make it a fruitful platform to promote your practice.
Submit your portfolio NOW!
email the followings to
In .docx format
– Name of firm
– Name(s) of Principal(s)
– Short introduction of the firm (300 words)
– Recent projects’ name, location & status.
In .jpeg format (1MB max. each)
– *Photos of recent projects (4 images only)
*Subject to crop or resize to suit website format.